Such a great word! Here in UK - well, in my house at least - we use it quite a bit - not just in the context of books, but, say, ‘have you read the blurb about that new series in the TV guide?’ and ‘do you know how this works?’ ‘No, I haven’t read the blurb.’
That is so funny! So, what do the writers in the UK call the endorsements from people in/on their books? I have not been able to get "Blurb" out of my mind since writing this piece!
Hmmm… As for me? I like the word “blurb”. Not because of its definition, but because when I say it, I like the way it makes my mouth and face feel and the intonation it has when I say it! It makes me giggle to! P.S., By its very definition, you are not a nobody, but a super, spunky, sweet, and smart person!!
Oh, agreed! It feels like a warm-up for enunciation class. "Now, everyone, with me, give me lips and vibration, 'Blurb!" Hee, hee. You are very sweet in your P.S. Unfortunately, the world of publishing has yet to get the "Mary Experience." Soon!
Such a great word! Here in UK - well, in my house at least - we use it quite a bit - not just in the context of books, but, say, ‘have you read the blurb about that new series in the TV guide?’ and ‘do you know how this works?’ ‘No, I haven’t read the blurb.’
That is so funny! So, what do the writers in the UK call the endorsements from people in/on their books? I have not been able to get "Blurb" out of my mind since writing this piece!
That’s ‘blurb’ too, absolutely! But the word’s not used exclusively in that context, that’s all! 😊
I am going to have the word “blurb” stuck in my mind now. For how long, time will tell. 😉
I know! It is stuck in mine too. I get songs stuck in my head as well. I feel like I need to create an expressive art piece called "Blurb."
I like it!
Hmmm… As for me? I like the word “blurb”. Not because of its definition, but because when I say it, I like the way it makes my mouth and face feel and the intonation it has when I say it! It makes me giggle to! P.S., By its very definition, you are not a nobody, but a super, spunky, sweet, and smart person!!
Oh, agreed! It feels like a warm-up for enunciation class. "Now, everyone, with me, give me lips and vibration, 'Blurb!" Hee, hee. You are very sweet in your P.S. Unfortunately, the world of publishing has yet to get the "Mary Experience." Soon!
I'm glad somebody else dislikes that word as much as I do! (Reminds me of baby spitup.) Best of luck finding a blurber (or is it blurbee?)!
Yes! That is what it sounds like when they spit! (Or is it a blurbett?)