What a gift for you, Mary. If we could just take time to look at one another and connect, we’d be so much happier and healthier! I’m sending you a big, warm hug.

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I agree, "if we could just take time to look at one another and connect, we'd be so much happier and healthier." Hug received, and I am sending one right back to you!

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You will remember this compassionate human being and the way she made you feel for the rest of your life. These encounters we have with people we didn’t know prior to communicating with one another are blessings in our lives. I have had many in my life and I am grateful for every single one of them. We never know how we are going to impact other human beings. ❤️

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Susan, you are so right! Thank you for this. May I be that "soft place to fall" for someone too.

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I'm so glad she was there for you, exactly when you needed her. Bless her bones and I'm glad she made you feel better.

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I love that: Bless her bones...I had forgotten that saying. I had never heard it before meeting you and your family (way back in 1974). Thank you-yep, it was just what I needed. Thank you for always reading my "stuff" and also for commenting! It truly means the world to me.

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