Yes, the Beatles Birthday song is my favorite to celebrate this day. Oh, I turned 62 today! I love my birthday. It means another trip around the sun. It reminds me of Carl Sagan’s “Pale Blue Dot” video.
I truly love reflecting on how small I am in the big picture of things and even though small, what a positive impact I can have on the world. I believe that’s what I am here to do in various ways and forms.
I have had the good fortune to have traveled extensively (especially while living in Germany and you my dear readers will have the opportunity to read it all in mid-August 2024 when my book is released!). I’ve met so many people, felt such a variety of emotions, expressed myself in so many ways, to have broken and put myself back together numerous times.
I still have, at the very core of me, pixie dust, making me believe in the goodness of nature, of people and that truly the answer is love. Love, is not always pretty, or easy. It is sometimes loud, yucky, heartbreaking, and every other manner of horrendous.
And it is also, fabulous, surprising, awe inspiring, dependable, thrilling, laugh inducing, and every other manner of splendid.
The answer to hate is not more hate.
The answer to rudeness is not additional rudeness.
The answer to being a doormat for other people, is to pick yourself up.
Do you see the pattern here? Life is a pendulation; a back and forth, sometimes more one way than the other.
Now, if I had my way, in Mary’s Utopia, it would always be love and kindness, everywhere. What would that be like if everyone, even for five minutes today, showed love and kindness. Would the world change forever? I think it would. But, I can only control me and my responses, behavior, thoughts and actions.
I encourage you, but of course, you do what you want to do, I encourage you to take five minutes today to be intentionally, and attentionally, loving and kind. Tell me what happens when you do that! Write to me, please. Leave me a comment below. And if you chose not to be, you can tell me that too.
Thank you for reading and thank you for listening.
Happy, happy birthday, Mary! I'm a day late to the party, but gosh, I wish you such sunshine and happiness! 🥳
"I still have, at the very core of me, pixie dust." YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday, Mary! The world is better for your sprinkling of pixie dust and sunshine. Can't wait to read your book!