Hmmm…today, in my Zillow “Recommendations,” I had a list of “For the Active Adult.” What the hell does that mean? Why do I need to be on one floor? Why would I want to be around a bunch of other people my age (like when I was in college)? Is there a “Community Graveyard” there too so one “doesn’t have to travel far?”
Weird. Well, I think it’s weird. Why do we have to continually categorize people? I don’t want to fit in anyone’s notion of how I should be. The other ghastly thing was, that these homes were $700,000 + dollars! Why the hell would I want to spend that kind of money to apparently decay along with my neighbors. Oh, wait, we’ll all be in it together! Yes, that paints a brighter picture.
If anything, I want to live bigger than I have before. I want to live my way, and wake up and get to decide how “that way” is. Currently, I work on a huge college campus. I adore being around all the young energy, not deluding myself that I am “one of them,” but instead, remembering that stage, cherishing it, cursing decisions made and not made and laughing that I “made it” and am back.
Now, will I stay in good, vital health? Damn straight I will! How? I think out of sheer stubbornness that I will live long and (Thank you, Mr. Spock) prosper. Do I have crinkle lines on my skin? Yep-loved every moment in the sun and will continue to do so. Have I laughed lines into existence on my face? Oh yeah, and I will continue to do so as often as possible-like every day, at least 10 times a day.
I was recently perusing Zillow for houses on the California coast. How did my “Search” decide to remove my interests and impose their own? I’m telling you, the houses I was looking at were not in any category but, “Pretty.” Okay, there were no search parameters for that and I saw a whole lotta “Ugly” but had such fun with the search. I did find the perfection home…priced at a cool $1,000,000.
I put no price limit in, but I guess AI decided that a move out to the opposite coast meant, “Old with Money.” Again, weird.
So, I won’t be moving to an “Aging in Place Community.” I hate that term. “Aging in Place.” It makes me think of “Psycho” with Norman Bates’ mother’s skeleton in the rocking chair. No good can come from that.
I really have had very little in common with people my age, even when young, so I doubt very seriously I would have anything in common with them now. So where can I live? Oh, you say, that house in Malibu, CA that was only $1,000,000? You know I’ve got it in my sites…now, how to get that money? Well, I haven’t figured that part out yet. But, since I’m planning on a long, vital life, I’ll figure it out.
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary…yep, that’s me. Thank you for reading! Where is your Dream Home?
My husband and I want to move to the mountains. We’ve been looking at communities out west.
Mary, Mary... you are vibrant! I’ve been looking at homes in Italy--plenty of steps and cobblestones! They’ve also got homes in the country near vineyards. So authentic and rustic! I abhor (haven’t used that word in a while!) aging-in-place places! It’s as if the idea is to put away older adults. Since when have we displaced the value and wisdom of those who’ve been on this earth longer than we’ve been here? If I could bring back my mom, grands, and great grands, I’d ask so many questions and give each one a long, warm hug. ❤️