Where Are You Shirley Chisholm?
Just so you know, I know she is dead. I recall seeing her, reading about her in my Weekly Reader as a ten-year-old. I was so excited, seeing a woman was running for president. Mom looked so pleased at my excitement as she smiled with all the love and pride that she had for me.
Then, she gently, ever so gently, knowing how sensitive my heart was (still is), let me know that, “The World is ruled by old, rich, white men. She won’t win, but we can still be so very proud of her gumption, her bravery, and her willingness to put herself out there.”
Of course, my follow-up question was, “Why rich, old white men? I thought anyone over a certain age could run for president in our country!” She agreed in theory, but said that in practice, money and gender (specifically male) are power. Then she said,“Someday, I hope I live to see this day, a woman will be elected President.”
She did not live to see that day. I am currently watching the biopic on Shirley Chisolm on Netflix and I tell you, she is one inspiring person! People, she ran for President in 1972! It’s 2024 and we are still being ruled by rich, old, white men.
What’s wrong with this picture? Everything! Yes, people are beginning to dismantle the institutional racism so prevalent in our societal structure. Yes, women are earning positions of power and influence, and yes, being “pretty” and thought of as “attractive” are STILL the attributes our young woman aspire to on a large scale.
Does this make me mad? Hell yeah it does! Looking at this upcoming election, have we learned nothing in 50+ years? How is that even possible? Mom was right. Money is power. And…gender is still power too. Words are powerful too. I say we amend the statement, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” to, “all people are created equal.”
I’m sure that some people will be really mad at me for even suggesting that we alter such a “sacred document.” It’s paper, people. They are thoughts…formed in the 1700’s by people who enslaved others. Can’t we agree that it’s 2024 and we have learned a damn thing or too since then?
No one is without their flaws, and I am not saying Shirley Chisholm was flawless. I honor the way she kicked the door down by not accepting corporate money, she owed nothing to anyone so if she had been elected, no one would have been able to say, “Oh, but I gave $$$$$ to your campaign, so you owe me…”
This is changing the subject (my Substack, so no smooth, segue required), I did not write a piece last week. Well, I did, but did not publish it. It was more about my grief over the death of my parents. I am still heavy in that grief. I don’t see my way out of it. I keep moving forward, and today, I reflect back to the teachings of my mother in 1972, reflecting on a woman who did not take “No” for the answer. Shirley Chisholm, your memory continues to inspire me, and I am so thankful I had a mother with whom I could discuss big ideas and questions. Mom and Dad, I miss you both to the core. And know, that I am a writer and will keep on writing.
Thank you for reading my piece. You know I love the stories of others. If you feel so inclined, tell me about someone who has inspired you. Don’t, if you don’t want to. When you press the “Like” button, it just tells me you read my piece. I don’t take it to mean that you agree with or even like what I had to say. Peace, Mary
I have a friend whom I’ve known for quite some time now and she is a joy to be with, to chat lightheartedly and to cry into our tea those things that grab at our hearts. I am quite inspired by her because through all of those things that lift us and those things that let us down, she’s remained true to herself and to her feelings. She’s an exceptional mom, a magnificent educator, and an outstanding friend—and these are just a few examples. I’m glad we met and am inspired to go after my dreams that I’d otherwise let go because I didn’t believe I was up to snuff! She is Mary 🌸
They are "Living Documents" not stone tablets passed down from on high. Change is the only constant in this universe. People need to remember that before they get upset thinking about the world changing