We Became, The Chosen Ones
She chose us. Cowering under our round boxwoods, near our birdfeeders, but not stalking the birds. We watched her do this for a few days and then, she emerged. Skinny, eyes kind of goopy, a tuxedo kitty, just starring into our souls.
Of course, we had to feed her. She needed us! Within three days with three feedings, she was coming up to us. So, of course, we had to set up a feeding station with water, dry food and another bowl with wet food.
Then, we saw her through the backdoor…just huddled in the wind on our patio. So, of course, we had to open up the storage compartment under our large patio table and she hopped right in. Next, came the cat bed which we lined with an old beach towel. Well, okay, then we added (off to the side for alternate sleeping arrangements for her) two pillows.
It is June, but someday soon, it will become Fall and then Winter and what will we do???
She is a total love bug. My daughter treated her eyes with cat eye antibiotics, we comb her, she has started to sit in my daughter’s lap and she has begun to purr.
We already have an indoor kitty whom we love to pieces. Our indoor kitty is the quintessential “Only Child” of cats. She would not do well with another cat or any other animal.
The idea of surrendering Delilah (our outdoor kitty) to a shelter is something neither my daughter or I can do. It would break our hearts to think of her all cooped up, the sounds of other distressed animals around her. Just typing this hurts my heart.
So, now we are shopping “Outdoor Cat Houses with Heaters.” They are all so small. We want a large space for her to stay warm and still have room to move about. Does anything like this exist? What we really want for her, is a happy inside home. It would shatter our hearts to see her go, but if she was going to a loving family, the hurt would pass knowing she was being loved as we love her.
Sigh…why is the Rolling Stones song, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” playing continuously in my head? Where is the Large Cat House (not a Bordello) or the Loving Family? WHERE???
Oh, what a heartbreaking story of your sweet Delilah! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you find a home for her. All you're doing for her in the meantime is wonderful.
Don’t you wish you could just keep them all and give them a good home? I constantly need to stop myself from adding to our zoo. We also have an outdoor kitty we are feeding. But she seems to be ok outside and we live in Florida - so the cold isn’t an issue.