11:30 PM, I was out on the playground, gleefully playing with my students in the rain. I suddenly smelled an ancient, delightful scent-Jean Nate’. Mom had worn it in the 1960’s and early 1970’s. I knew no one was wearing it, as the rest of my colleagues are scads younger than me. Then at 12:05, my cell phone rang. I never answer it during work hours, but this time I did. It was my little sister-this could not be good, and it wasn’t. Mom had died at 11:15 PM.
Had she come to me with a scent I knew so well? Now, I’m not one who looks for or really believes in “signs,” but I’ll admit, the coincidence just seemed too great to not believe it was Mom.
I continued to work that day, and all days up till now, it being our Spring Break. One of those work days, the numbness of her death began to wear off and I began to feel the cloak of grief. I knew I could not let this show as my young students needed me. At that moment, it was Dippity Doo that filled my scent memory. Oh, that glorious neon green gel Mom would use on each piece of hair prior to rolling it on brush rollers. Hmmm…is Mom going to come to me in scent? I’m like “Doubting Thomas” and yet, I knew no one was wearing Dippity Doo! It had to be Mom.
This morning, I felt the absolute weight of grief and wanting to just dissolve, but, my daughter was home on her Break and she doesn’t do well with my tears. I understand. I did not like it when Mom cried either. At that moment, Coppertone Suntan Lotion scent came to me. Mom used to slather it on us in the summer before we’d go outside. It wasn’t “Sunblock” it was lotion meant to keep you from burning, but let the tan through. Was the scent there now to keep me from “burning with grief” but to still let it through to bearable amounts?
The memory inducing power of scent has been scientifically proven, but these three occurrences were far more than that for me. I truly think Mom was visiting me from wherever one “goes” after the death of their Earthly body. I didn’t see her. I have not witnessed her in my dreams. Just through Jean Nate’, Dippity Doo and Coppertone Suntan Lotion.
Hi, Mom! Help me through this grief. Help me find happiness, laughter, and help me be strong. Maybe that’s it. Is it a sign of three-a triangle? I don’t know. I don’t have to know.
Thank you, Dear Readers. Tell me about your experiences with grief. (Just don’t tell me what I “will” feel please.) Did you smell a scent? Saw something? Read something? Drop a story below because you know I love the stories of others. I truly do.
Mary, I’m so sorry for your loss! It is quite amazing how scents can bring back memories… I’ve often marveled about it.