In my ongoing work to stay agile, vibrant and the like as I progress around the sun, I decided to get Contact Lenses. I wore one pair of “readers” on my head for oh, about 20 years, and that was working fine. Then, things in the distance were getting a hair blurry. Not cool.
My step, before getting said contact lenses, was to get an actual pair of prescription glasses. $500 later, and I have the latest, greatest (and very chic) glasses. They allow me to see the world, up, down and in-between. Cool. Only, I get tired of them on my face. They begin to feel like I’m weight lifting with my cheeks. At that point, I shove them on top of my head.
I finally got up the gumption to call and see if my contact lens “trial kit” was in yet. Then, I had to sign up for an hour long “I/O” class…In and Out. Now of course, I’m thinking, why the hell is it an hour?
I’ll tell you why!!! Because it’s hard as hell to put your finger right into your eye!!!! Oh my god, I had so much trouble and the technician was beyond kind and encouraging. She really was. I actually cried because I couldn’t get them in. Yep, I cried at the Mall. Well, it was back in a little room so no one but the technician saw. She was so sweet, telling me how brave I was for trying something new at my “age.” Hmmm….I had to get these damn things in my eyes.
I did…and then I had to get them out (hard as hell) and do that routine three more times. Yeah, it took the whole hour. The whole, hour! It took me an hour to learn something new.
After years and years of being told,” Be careful, or that will get in your eyes”, and protecting them so carefully, I took an hour, and learned how to adhere little plastic/gel concave eye ware onto my eyes.
Yeah, me! Now, I have to sign up for another class so the optician can check for whatever it is they check for…I have yet to sign up for the class. I will do it, damnit. I will return to the scene of my crying jag. I will show her how I can put them in. And then, it’s all her. (Or will she make me take them out too? Now, I have performance anxiety)
So, to all my fellow peeps who are looking to try something new, may I suggest, putting your finger right in your eye. Hee/Hee Thank you for reading. So, what new thing are you up to these days? I’d love it if you’d drop me a comment. If you’ve read my piece, if you could indicate by hitting the “Like” button, that would be great! Thank you
As someone who can hardly stand to put in eyedrops (my eyelid involuntarily squeezes shut practically just at the thought of it), I'm impressed you succeeded with contacts!
“How brave you are for trying something new at your age.” I could write volumes about that but think I’ll just skip it. I just decided I will pay the $ not covered by Medicare (all of it) to be fitted for an oral appliance that is supposed to treat my sleep apnea. I used the CPAP machine for a full year diligently but under duress until I just couldn’t stand it anymore. So the CPAP is now sitting in the closet, and I’m crossing my fingers (how is that working for anybody) that being willing to pay for trying something new will work for me!