Knocks Me Off My Feet
Oh, my stars. Have you listened to this album lately? (or ever?) It is a masterpiece. There is something about certain artists/pieces of music that defy time, and Stevie Wonder is one of those artists for me.
Yep, this is all about Mary’s Music. My hope, is that you will share your Musical Muses with me, below. (Oh, I am using my own comma rules, so that you know ahead of time.) I have such eclectic musical tastes, and I owe it all to AFN (American Forces Network). When we lived in Germany in the mid-1970s, there was one American radio station, and depending on the time of day, the DJs played various genres of music.
I used to love (this is skipping forward about 10 years to the mid-1980s) going to Tower Records in Washington DC and going from floor to floor listening (with huge earphones attached to curly cords) to all kinds of music. What an auditory treat. Where can I do this now?
Wouldn’t it be cool to have a café’ and music sample center all in one? I would love that and would be there so frequently. I got the idea for this yesterday as I was sitting in the hallway of one of the local colleges. (This is its’ own story). I had sooooooo much fun people-watching.
I had my iPod on, ear plugs in, and no one had any idea how much I was enjoying the variety of outfits, shoes, ways of walking, and snippets of conversations (I would periodically turn the sound off so I could enjoy the dialog of others, mining it for good lines for my writing).
Ah, the sweet art of people-watching. What a fascinating, underappreciated art. Have you ever just listened to people walking down a hallway? It’s very musical. I heard clippy fast steps, shuffling, scuffling, running, sauntering, hard heels, and silent floating (truly-he floats! I know him, and he is like a cloud-one of life’s finest people)
So, please do me the honor of sharing your musical muses, or perhaps a song that’s playing in your head below. Or maybe you’ve been people-watching too and want to share a snippet of that. Thank you for reading, and thank you for listening! (Oh, what’s playing in my ear right now, the original theme from MacGyver. I am a funny soul.)
Mary, you’ve highlighted two of my most favorite things! As you know, I thrive on music—it’s one of life’s most purest joys for me! And, since I can remember, I’ve watched people, inside and out. I look at their walk, their talk, and their thoughts. I try to imagine what kind of day they’re having. Now, if I set all that to music, I’m in my element of thrills!
He's one of the great ones, all right. I feel like my musical tastes are as broad as my book tastes. Last night, I listened to one of my favorite operas, Verdi's "Aida." The tenor's opening aria is absolutely incredible.