When that song first came out, I bristled because I interpreted it, at the tender age of 16, as a man telling me I had to stay the same in order for him to love me. Damnit, I would change however I wanted to change!
And then I spent the next, oh, let’s say, 20, okay, 40 years changing to accommodate the fragile egos of men. Mom told me when I was 19 that men had fragile egos, I couldn’t believe her and was sure she was lying to save my broken heart from one Naval Aviator, but turns out, she was right!!
Now, for my male readers, may I make it clear, that I do not think all males have fragile egos and I do think males, as well as females are quite capable of evolving if they choose to do so. “Choose” being the operative word.
Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks here. What led to my Evolution Revolution? It was not pretty. I had to learn to love myself. Turns out George Benson was right. Learning to love yourself, is the greatest love of all. Why? Because then, there is so much love left over to help humankind without pity, but with respect, with desire to provide opportunities for others and in the process, help them learn to love themselves.
Full transparency here. I am in the middle of a move…first one in 20 years. I am walking around at a stress level off the charts, and the other truth (*held in the other hand), I am super excited to have created this opportunity. I keep hearing Diana Ross’s voice in my head, singing it as only she can, “It’s My Turn.”
No more morphing, no more asking “Is it okay if I turn up (or down) the temperature?” No more having to cook meat. No more looking at myself in the mirror and saying, “You broke your promise to your 16-year-old self.”
Yep, it all comes down to me and my choices. Victor Frankel was right on when he said that no one can take away the dignity and freedom that you hold within yourself, and that man along with millions of others, endured horrors far, far, far, far greater than I ever have or ever will, so I trust he knew what he was talking about.
Each day is a choice. Each moment is a choice. And like Diana sang, “I may not have the answers,” but I’ll figure this all out. It’s my turn. I love me just the way I am, and I will evolve as I see necessary. And so, my dear readers, tell me your stories of personal evolution. Oh, I noticed that two of my readers have “dropped me.” Their loss, their choice. it stings, and then it doesn’t.
Remember to hit the “heart” button even if you don’t agree with me. It lets my publishers know that someone is reading my stuff. Ha/ha Remember, in the literary world, I am still a “Nobody.” The difference is, I don’t believe it. Drop me a line below and tell me how it’s going for you. No idea, no thought, no reaction is wrong. Just be nice.
Good for you for the move! Change is so stressful, but ultimately good (I hope - I say this while still trying to adjust to my own new life).
Of course I like I love your evolution from where you come from to where you are going now.