Being a Non-Celebrator
Why? Why celebrate anything? What’s the deal? Seems like all celebrations were created by people. Do animals celebrate? Do plants celebrate? How would I know if they did?
The hardest time to be a “Non-Celebrator” is, well, all the time. Why do we stop, put a time on our calendar to “celebrate?” When did this all start? What’s up with gift giving? Why are only certain people eligible for this at certain times?
What about single people? Seems they are only eligible on their birthday or for a state sponsored holiday like Thanksgiving, or for a once a year religious holiday.
How is that fair? I guess “fairness” is not a factor in celebrating. I’m not against others doing it, I just don’t see the point.
I can generate joy and togetherness over a shared cup of coffee. (But, you have to have your own cup. I don’t “do” sharing the same beverage or food. Not my thing.)
I feel laughter and awe at moments in nature that catch me be surprise, like the sunrise I witnessed yesterday on the way to work.
Now, it occurs to me, that when my debut book comes out in a year, that the Book Launch will be a celebration, won’t it? Without the Launch, no sales. No sales, no sharing of my story. Ahhh…such a conundrum. I will have a Launch Event. I will buy a new outfit (which will probably be vintage, so it will be new for me), I will decorate, I will be happy…damnit, does that mean I’ll be “celebrating?”
Oh, so I am a selective celebrator. If it works for me, I celebrate. Well, doesn’t that sound like the most selfish statement one could make?! That doesn’t feel like “me” at all!
So, what am I? A very odd soul, happy in her ways. What is something others might find “odd” about you? Share your story with me, won’t you please? Oh, just for the record, I am not “against” others for celebrating things. I shall just continue to eat, drink and be Mary.
Ain't that the truth! At least ours leaves the presents by the back door.
A book launch is right up there at the top of the list for Things Worth Celebrating!