I love the last day of the year.
Now, I must remember tomorrow (after midnight) to have the words “Rabbit, Rabbit” be my first words of the new year!
Doing that ritual is supposed to bring good luck, and I could use a bit of that.
I am finishing this year strong.
Perhaps not in the societal definition of “strong,” but compared to how I finished last year: in tears, in a ball of worry, no hope of a book contract, my daughter severely ill with a mysterious illness leaving her paralyzed for minutes, sometimes hours at a time and on my way to thin from nausea, I am crushing it now!
I have some disappointments. I have some friends who have never read my pieces on Substack. I have friends who compare me to the “me” I was when I was younger and wonder why I’ve changed. Peripheral family members have cut me off and spoken ill of me. I am monetarily in the pits.
Now, for the other side. I do my yoga practice every day and have for a year and a half. It is so sublime, both during and after. I have gained weight, am stronger physically, emotionally, and have my steely will back! (“Hello, Steely Will. I have missed you. Welcome back, you spicey, can-do soul, you”.)
I joined Grammarly and realized that the comma rules have changed! Something annoying is that one can use the word “and” more than once in a sentence now. I do not like that.
I love being my age. Whatever that age is, I’m “there.” No one gets to tell me what I can or can’t wear, what I can and can’t do. No one gets to inflict their “should and shouldn’ts” on me. I still do not wish to hurt the feelings of others.
Kindness is my lifeblood, and I also realize that it is not that of others. Of course, it vexes me, but as my mom used to say, “It is what it is.”
I can change no one but myself. I love to reflect, learn from the past, see/experience the present, and dream of the future. I am sorry for past hurts I have inflicted on myself and others. I am sorry I wasted so damn much time trying to make everyone around me comfortable that it left me in a puddle of self-pity.
Did you know that Betta fish survive in puddles? I read that somewhere, but I don’t know if it’s true.
I love learning new things, thus adding to my base of knowledge and truth.
Perhaps the name of this piece should be “All About Me.” Ha/ha
Happy New Year! Reflect, Renew, and please Respond to this piece below! What was your past year like? How do you feel about using the word “and” more than once in a sentence? What did you learn about yourself this year?
Thank you for reading, and thank you for listening.
Happy new year and new you! I believe we all deserve a new opportunity every day so of course every year in turn!
We treat our students with a clean slate every day so I think we ought to grant ourselves a clean slate each day or at least every year!
I love Grammarly. English is my second language and when it comes to grammar I need all the help I can get. Commas are not my friends. 🤪 Happy New Year to you! 🎉