No, I am not turning into a “foodie.” I mean, I would be one if someone else was doing the cooking and cleaning up after the meal. Oh, did you think the above foods were for me?
Our sweet kitty presented with over licking and creating bald patches. One expensive trip to the Vet, a diagnosis of food allergies, along with a massively expensive bag of “Dried Duck Pieces” and poor Abby (our kitty) began the gradual switch to watch for improvements in her symptoms.
I was skeptical of the “Duck.” What domestic cat, catches a duck on a regular basis? They fly, they spend most of their time in water. I just don’t see “duck meat” as a regular part of a domestic cat’s diet. Weird.
Not as odd sounding, but still bizarre, were the Dehdrated Rabbit Chunks. They looked more like corks from a wine bottle, and when mixed with water…looked like water saturated corks. Yuck. Our cat took one look and smell, glared at me with the “Really? This is all I get after all the purring, loving, waking you like an alarm clock each morning…you disappoint me and I shall wake you at 3 AM to make my point.”
The really odd thing was, that if the “Duck Diet” “Rabbit Corks” didn’t work, another alternative was dehydrated Alligator meat. Now, our kitty can be a fierce little ball of fur, and does growl anytime someone knocks on our door, but do I see her or any of her kindred kitties hunting alligators for regular meals?
Maybe there are outlaw bands of feral cats, roaming, surviving alligator death rolls and providing a big ass alligator as a meal for the group. Is this happening and I just don’t know about it??
Not that I’m advocating for the killing of anything, but wouldn’t something like “Small Bird Bites” or “Chipmunk Chunks” be the type of meat a cat would digest easily? Why did ducks have to take the hit?
Oh, Abby had a massive allergic reaction to the Duck Bits. I opted to try turkey. She loves it, and no more itching, bare spots are filling in and we do not have to subject her to alligator. Wait, I hear retching noises in the kitchen…yep, she ate too fast and yacked it all up. Welcome to Breakfast. I think I’ll stick with Dark Roast coffee this morning after cleaning up the golden joy of hot, regurgitated cat food.
Love our kitty. She is in a ball of peaceful sleep right now. That perfect cat round of sweetness. Anything for our girl.
I don’t have any pets, but my siblings do, and I see firsthand the things they will do for their furry family members!
Mary, you had me at “… outlaw bands of feral cats.”! Oh, our beloved bundles of fir and goodness and all that we do for them!